Vintage Barbie Dolls
January 7, 2014

Click picture to view video via Youtube.
1970s barbie dolls, barbie, barbie dolls, dolls
Posted at: 02:16 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Jem Doll - Flipside Fashion
August 1, 2013
Jem doll with "Flipside Fashion".
Photo by Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
I'm typing with only one hand due to tedonitis on my writing arm. I'll be brief in this entry with a Jem doll. Illustrated is one of Jem's fashions which is a reversible dress, from a yellow sparkle side to a flip side of white and blue stripes.
flipside fashion for jem doll, jem doll
Posted at: 01:22 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink
Making A Doll's Portfolio
July 8, 2013

Photo1: Bionic Woman Doll Portfolio
Photo1: Bionic Woman Doll Portfolio . Completed Bionic Woman portfolio with self-made ties. Cereal box and Bionic Woman Doll (2nd edition) at the background. The clear acetate pocket showcases a print internet photo of Lindsey Wagner as "Bionic Woman" and her bionic dog, "Maximillion".
I made a doll's portfolio to store materials related to my Bionic Woman dolls. In this packet, I stored research texts, photos, sketches, drafted patterns, and actual used clothing.
To create the portfolio I used materials and equipment as follows:
(1) large cereal box (9.5" x 12.5") in size or larger
(2) fabric (about 1/2 yd. or use remnants that you have to cover two sides of the portfolio)
(3) hand sewing needle and thread
(4) rubber cement
(5) plastic clear sheet (acetate sheet for overhead projectors or similar type material)
(6) white typing paper (8.5"x 11.0")
(7) 1/4" ribbon (1 yard)
(8) 20" in length self-made fabric ties (cut in half) about 1/4" finished; 1" unfinished (with 1/4 seam alllowances fold into itself)
(9) clear plastic notebook sleeves
(10) sewing machine
(11 paper hole punch
(12) fabric scissors
(13) paper scissors
(14) oprional: yardage or scraps of lace for embellisments
Steps to make the portfolio follows:
1.) Obtain a large cereal box and cut it open. You will need a piece of 9.5" x 12.5" cardboard material from this box. The cereal box is soft and therefore can be sewn through with a large needle and thread.
(2) Mark the center of the box at the width direction. From this center point, draw a line lengthwise 1/4" on two sides. Fold the cardboard at these lines. These will create a center spline in your portfolio. This is the base of your porfolio cover.
(3) Trace your carboard base cover to your fabric. Leave 1/2" seam allowances all around. You will need to cut two pieces (one for the outside cover and one for its lining).
(4) Set aside the carboard base cover and lining.
(5) With the right side up, position the clear acetate sheet and cut it to your desired size. This will serve as an outside pocket to show the picture of your doll. Temporary Scotch tape placed in sections, will hold the acetate to the fabric while sewing. With a sewing machine, stitch down the sides and bottom of the acetate...
bionic woman doll, doll porfolio, notebook for dolls
Posted at: 07:01 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Aqua Color in Fabrics - It's New Again!
July 7, 2013

Photo1: Fashion Dolls
Photo1: Fashion Dolls. Fashion dolls in aqua colored clothing: (from left to right) Jewel Girl Barbie (1998) in a woven cotton fabric of zebra print long gown, Jem (1987) in lace and knitted fabric nylon dress and tights, and Sun Loving Malibu Barbie (1979) in a knitted fabric two-piece swimsuit. Jem and Malibu Barbie are in their original clothing. Jewel Girl Barbie's gown and photo by Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
Aqua color, referred to as "seafoam" green or "turquoise" is back again this summer. The adage of "what's old is new again" is reflected in our fashion choices. There's only so many hues in varying shades and tints that inevitably, designers will introduce old favorites again. The consumer will choose the trends for the season through their buying patterns. Retailers and manufacturers in fabrics, clothing, and accessories will reproduce the styles and colors that sell best through their sales figures.
Looking through my fashion doll collection, I have many original doll clothing which have aqua colors in their clothing and fashion accessories. My records show strong preferences for aqua colors in Barbie's bathing suits with the "Malibu Barbies" in the 1970s (1971-1979), "Jem Dolls" (1985-1987), and "Barbie Beach" bathing suit series this summer. Fabrics (solids and prints) in aqua hues in varying shades and tints are available in fabric stores for the sewing enthusiast. If you are handy with the needle and thread, make a new dress for your favorite doll in aqua. It's the color of choice for this summer.
aqua, doll clothing, fabrics, jem dolls, jewel girl barbie, malibu barbie, sewing for dolls, zebra print fabrics
Posted at: 10:15 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Silkstone Barbie Doll
July 4, 2013
Photo 10: Barbie Dolls
Photo 10: Barbie Dolls. Left and right: Ponytail Barbie (1964, #5) and Silkstone Barbie (2003, "A Model's Life"). Fashions and photo by: Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
I added a "Silkstone" Barbie doll to my collection. She stands twelve inches (12") tall. Regular Barbie dolls stand at 11.5" tall. Silkstone Barbie is taller by 1/2" because she is on high pointed toes. She was introduced in 2000 to the collector market and has a huge following. She is available through Mattel Inc. website at,, and other specialty sellers via the internet or through specialty doll stores. Her price line starts at $50.00 and goes upwards, depending on the style of her outfits.
I obtained my Silkstone Barbie through I purchased her nude without clothing nor shoes. She is called "A Model's Life" (2003). I prefer her without clothing as I like to dress up my dolls with my own creations. She is made of dense vinyl material which resembles porcelain. She can wear the clothes for the classic body Barbie, provided that the outfit has straps or has shoulder seams support; otherwise, the clothing will be too large. She cannot wear the contemporary outfits either. Strapless fashion styles and fitted clothing needs to be customized for her size. Shoes from the classic Barbie will fit her.
She is well sculpted throughout. She is only jointed in five points (head, arms, and legs). Her facial sculpt is inspired by the "Ponytail" Barbie. Her facial sculpt is described by as "Nostalgic Barbie". I purchased my Silkstone Barbie for $28.00, including shipping. She is a welcome addition to my collection.
barbie, barbie dolls, frugal doll collector, silkstone barbie dolls
Posted at: 11:31 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Barbie in The Wizard of Oz with Toto
July 3, 2013

Photo9: 1998 Barbie Doll as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz
Photo9: 1998 Barbie Doll as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy holds one of the current "Barbie Mini Pets" (gray dog) as "Toto". Photo by: Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
Several months ago, I purchased a 1998 Barbie in "Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz" from our local thrift store. She needed to be cleaned up and restored. I purchased Dorothy for a mere $2.00. She was originally sold for $34.95 at retail. She was missing her red shoes and her dog, "Toto". Two days ago, I purchased a package of "Barbie Mini Pets" from Walmart for $6.97 plus tax. This pack contains two dogs (white and dark gray), a float tube, frisbee, and fish. The dogs are the perfect size for Dorothy.
Barbie as Dorothy is a talking doll. I replaced her shoes with a pair of t-strap red shoes. The original red shoes lighted up as this doll has a battery pack at the back. Dorothy wears her original blue & white gingham dress. This year, Dorothy is re-issued by Mattel Inc. with a different face mold. Photo9 illustrates 1998 Barbie as Dorothy with the gray Barbie mini dog as "Toto".
barbie, barbie as dorothy in the wizard of oz, barbie doll, barbie mini pets
Posted at: 09:48 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Sewing For Barbie: Cancer Society Emblem
July 2, 2013
Photo9: Barbie Dolls.
Photo9: Barbie Dolls. Barbie dolls are dressed in fitted shift dresses with fabric prints bearing the emblem of the Breast Cancer Society. Doll clothing can carry a serious message as well. From left to right by face mold: Kira Barbie, Mackie Barbie, Jewel Girl Barbie, Teresa Barbie, Superstar Barbie.
I've just completed an ensemble of five dresses for Barbie. These dresses came from one pattern which I designed around a fabric print with the emblem of the Breast Cancer Society. The dressed Barbie dolls will be the feature of my coffee table for this week.
breast cancer society, sewing for barbie dolls
Posted at: 10:31 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Restore Jem Doll's Dress
July 1, 2013

Photo8A: 2013 Jem Dolls
Photo8A: 2013 Jem Dolls. Collectible Jem dolls manufactured by Integrity Toys. Left to right: Aja, Kimber, Jem, and Shana. Source:
"Jem" dolls, formerly manufactured by Hasbro in the 1980s, are presently re-introduced to the market as a collectible doll by Integrity Toys. She was sold last year (2012) as a fully articulated collectible doll with a price tag of $125.00. It will take four days of work by an individual, making minimum wage at $4.75 an hour, to purchase one Jem doll. These new dolls have an altogether different body and face sculpt as compared to the original versions. These are beautiful ball-jointed dolls intended for the adult collector.
Photo8B: 1985 Jem Dolls
Photo8B: 1985 Jem Dolls. Photo illustrates the first Jem dolls released in 1985. The photo features never- removed-from- box Jem doll and two deboxed Jem dolls of the same release. The deboxed Jem doll to the left wears her original dress, tights, shoes, and belt. The Jem doll to the right wears a restored Jem dress (bias edging added to the raw edges of the dress) and custom-made tights and shoes by the author. Photo: Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
Several years ago, I purchased a Jem doll lot through Ebay. These dolls were played with and many needed cleaning. With the purchase were used clothing and some orphaned shoes. I decided to salvage these articles. Among these, was a very dirty Jem dress with frayed ends at the collar, sleeves, and hem of the dress. To salvage the dress to its current condition, I did the following: (1) soak the dress in warm water with liquid dishwashing soap in a glass baking pan overnight, (2) after soaking, I gently stirred the dress to loosen the dirt, (3) I rinsed the dress and repeated the same process the second time, (4) for areas with stubborn dirt, I gently rubbed the dirt out with the liquid soap, (5) I gently rinsed the dress until all the detergent were taken out, (6) lay the wet dress on a white cotton towel to dry, (7) after drying, I ironed the dress flat on low heat, and (7) by machine, I applied bias tape (1" unfinished width) to the edges of the dress for a finished effect. Attaching the bias tape to the dress was sewn by machine. Whipped stitching by hand was...
integrity toys, jem doll, jem doll dress, jem dolls
Posted at: 01:06 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Christmas: My Favorite Time of The Year
June 21, 2013

Photo5: 2012 Christmas Tablescape . Selected fashion dolls adorned my mantle and my coffee table. In 2012, I selected a predominantly white and red theme.
What is my most favorite time of the year? Christmas! I look forward to Christmas every year. If you ask me which Christmas year is my favorite? I would say last year. I decorate my house and Christmas tree without spending much, if anything at all. I recycle my Christmas decorations and has the same Christmas tree for over twenty years. With my doll collection, I give my Christmas decor a different theme each year to make each year special.
christmas, christmas tablescape, decorate with dolls, dolls, fashion dolls
Posted at: 01:18 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Glamour Girls by Chic Dolls Ltd.
June 20, 2013
Photo4a: "Glamour Girls" Dolls by Chic Dolls Ltd. (2008). Dolls are wearing their original outfits and shoes, except for the doll at the center who is wearing my recent purchased white doll shoes from China. The other dolls are wearing shoes that are too big and tends to fall off their feet. Photo by: Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
My foray into purchasing doll shoes via the internet to China, gave me many pairs of high-heeled t-strap shoes that will fit the classic Barbie feet tightly. No loss however, as I have Barbie size fashion dolls that have original shoes that are too loose for them. One of these is the 11.5" fashion doll called "Glamour Girls" by Chic Dolls Ltd. The dolls are without individual names. These dolls are copyrighted in 2008 and are distributed by Big Lot Stores, Inc., Columbus, OH, U.S.A. These dolls are made in China.

Photo4b: Closeup head shots of "Glamour Girls" by Chic Dolls Ltd. (2008). Photo by: Roselyn Gadia-Smitley.
The "Glamour Girls" are priced at $3.00 each. These came in blonde and brunette versions. The Big Lots Store in my town carried three face molds. I purchased all face molds as Big Lots is a discount store and these dolls may not be in stock next time that I visit the store. The face molds and screening are beautiful. They were also sold with packaging under "Chicas A La Moda" with Spanish descriptors throughout the packaging. These were marked at $5.00 each. These dolls are intended for the ethnic market. Coloring are tanned from light to dark (light, medium, and dark).
The back of the heads are marked: 2004 Chic Dolls/Made in China. Back of the dolls are marked: Chic/Made in China. Dolls have rooted Saran hair and painted features. Heads are softer vinyl with hard vinyl torso, arms, and legs. These dolls are articulated in 6 points (head, arms, swivel waist, and legs). The body dimension is much smaller than Barbie. The dolls' clothes are inexpensively made. A new wardrobe is in order.
big lots stores, chic dolls, chicas a la moda, fashion dolls, glamour girl dolls
Posted at: 09:47 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink